Calvary Pentecostal Tabernacle Circa 1937

In 1946, Rev. Wallace Heflin, Sr. would start Open Air Meetings in Monroe Park during the months of June, July, August and September. This was a time of many salvations and miracles of physical healings taking place. On May 14, 1948 when Israel became a nation, God began to send great revival, a very deep move of the Spirit, all over the United States and the world; the Latter Rain Movement. In this move, the ministry began to flow even more deeply with the Spirit and to see growth. In 1949, they purchased a building at 1105 Hull Street and for five years would be in Revival services three hundred and sixty five days each year. Each night, the sanctuary was full with many being saved, baptized in the Holy Spirit and receiving miracles of all sorts. During this time, the property in Ashland, VA was donated and began to be developed into a campground to facilitate the work God was doing. The Ashland property was dedicated on June 15,1951.

Rev. Wallace Heflin, Sr

Rev. Edith Heflin

Rev. Wallace Heflin, Jr

Rev. Ruth Ward Heflin
Recognized for her prophetic anointing, revelation and the ability to teach and lead people into spontaneous worship, Ruth ministered to heads of state and leaders throughout the world. Born into a classic Pentecostal family, she was at home among Protestants, Catholics, Jews and Muslims. She was known for her gospel songwriting, of which “I Ask for the Nations” and “The Wheel Within the Wheel” are sung worldwide. Her best-selling book, “Glory”, has been translated into twelve languages. “Glory”, “Revival Glory”, “River Glory”, “Harvest Glory”, “Golden Glory”, “Unifying Glory”, and “Revelation Glory” are being used worldwide as handbooks for revival.