Calvary Pentecostal Tabernacle Circa 1937

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Founders: Rev. Wallace Heflin Sr and Rev. Edith Ward Heflin
Calvary Pentecostal Tabernacle opened Easter Sunday, March 28, 1937 on Grayland Avenue, Richmond, VA. With a heart full of faith, a burden for souls and many miracles taking place, Rev. Wallace Heflin, Sr. and his wife Rev. Edith Ward Heflin, would move from Washington, DC to plant their first church and ministry base in Richmond. Throughout its history, the church would relocate to various locations to accommodate growth and plant satellite campuses in Ashland, Bristersburg, Callao, Falmouth, Weems and West Point, Virginia as well as outreaches in other Nations of the world.

In 1946, Rev. Wallace Heflin, Sr. would start Open Air Meetings in Monroe Park during the months of June, July, August and September. This was a time of many salvations and miracles of physical healings taking place. On May 14, 1948 when Israel became a nation, God began to send great revival, a very deep move of the Spirit, all over the United States and the world; the Latter Rain Movement. In this move, the ministry began to flow even more deeply with the Spirit and to see growth. In 1949, they purchased a building at 1105 Hull Street and for five years would be in Revival services three hundred and sixty five days each year. Each night, the sanctuary was full with many being saved, baptized in the Holy Spirit and receiving miracles of all sorts. During this time, the property in Ashland, VA was donated and began to be developed into a campground to facilitate the work God was doing. The Ashland property was dedicated on June 15,1951.

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In 1952-1954, the church would rent the large McArthur Theater. Finding a building for sale on Morris Street they would relocate and remain there for eleven years. On August 22, 1966, they would move to 2701 Hull Street and remain there until 2004 when it was moved to the Campground in Ashland, VA.

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Today, Calvary Pentecostal Tabernacle meets on their campground in Ashland, VA. The 103 acre campus contains auditoriums, kitchens and dining facilities, administration offices and lodgings. This is now the base for all ministry operations for the church: the mission training center, international outreach, Calvary Tours, winter and summer camp meetings and conferences/conventions.

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Pioneers, Founders, Pastors, Directors

Rev. Wallace Heflin, Sr

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Jan 20, 1908 – Dec 6, 1972
Wallace Heflin, Sr. was a unique man of faith, obedience and willingness to do all that was necessary to accomplish the spiritual assignments God gave him to do. His message of faith caused multitudes of people to find salvation, deliverance and healing. Rev. Wallace was a spiritual pioneer. Through his tent ministry he had great evangelism and healing campaigns. He planted churches throughout Virginia and in other nations of the world. The tremendous miracles of healing in the ministry drew the multitudes and gave him notoriety. Rev. Heflin, being a man of humility, faith and vision was able to build a ministry that not only reached out to the nations but laid the foundation work for future generations.

Rev. Edith Heflin

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Nov 4, 1910 – Oct 31, 2004

Edith Heflin was born in 1910 during the Azusa Street Revival. Her father was known as the 23rd Psalm Man, her mother a school principal and great Bible teacher. Her brother, Dr. William Ward, used to say that “even the poor folks called them poor, yet his family was rich in faith.” She learned that God could provide miraculously by watching Him provide for her family time and time again. She prayed in provision, food, finances, and medical miracles for her family and those in her church, learning valuable lessons which would enable her to teach and equip in the days to come. After her husband’s home-going, she became lead pastor and ministry director. “Sister Hefin”, as she was called, was a woman of extraordinary faith and great prophetic gifting.

Rev. Wallace Heflin, Jr

Wallace H. Heflin, Jr. was born during the Great Depression, the second child of Pentecostal preachers who were living a life of faith, believing God to meet their needs. They had little of value to offer except their rich faith in God. Rev. Heflin learned by their teaching and their example that God could and would speak to His people, that He could and would perform miracles and that nothing was impossible for God. These were valuable lessons Rev. Heflin passed on to the multitudes of hungry hearts all over the world. He spoke deep prophetic words and then said, “Just do it.” He made believing for the impossible seem like an everyday occurrence. Great miracles of healing and deliverance were common in his meetings. Rev. Heflin found himself on his knees at the age of 29 and he dedicated the rest of his life to working for God and left his distinctive spiritual mark around the world.

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Aug 24, 1932 – Dec 27, 1996

Rev. Ruth Ward Heflin

Ruth Ward Heflin was a Christian minister among the nations for nearly 40 years. In 1997, she returned to the United States to help with the American revival. She was the director of Calvary Pentecostal Campground in Ashland, Virginia, as well as an international prayer ministry in Jerusalem, which celebrated its 25th anniversary in 1997. Ruth started the prayer ministry in Jerusalem with an emphasis on intercession through praise and worship.

Recognized for her prophetic anointing, revelation and the ability to teach and lead people into spontaneous worship, Ruth ministered to heads of state and leaders throughout the world. Born into a classic Pentecostal family, she was at home among Protestants, Catholics, Jews and Muslims. She was known for her gospel songwriting, of which “I Ask for the Nations” and “The Wheel Within the Wheel” are sung worldwide. Her best-selling book, “Glory”, has been translated into twelve languages. “Glory”, “Revival Glory”, “River Glory”, “Harvest Glory”, “Golden Glory”, “Unifying Glory”, and “Revelation Glory” are being used worldwide as handbooks for revival.

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Jan 21, 1940 – Sept 15, 2000